
Hannayoo Works and Sayaka Davis @sayakadavis
Open Studio•Showroom•Store for Holiday Gathering.
It has been three months since we opened our shared studio, and we are truly grateful to welcome you into our space. This is an opportunity to see, touch, and try on our creations while sharing moments of connection and conversation about our daily work and lives.
We hope 2024 has brought you meaningful moments, and we’re excited to share our creations, joy, and love with you as the year comes to a close.
Saturday, December 7 • Sunday, December 8
11 AM–7 PM
Monday, December 9 – Saturday, December 14
Book an appointment
Thank to Eriko Nagata Floral Studio @erindesign_eriko for a beautiful collaboration installation.

Have a good night…
Hope you are well…
A Toile, A Dancing flower, and Little me,
The Room, Brooklyn, 2024

Exhibition ‘p a s s a g e’
In this exhibition, Passage is a journey through memories, dreams, and life’s unfolding stages. May this space invite you to pause and wander through the landscapes of our childhood—touch the textures, breathe in the scents, listen to the music, and savor the warmth of a bowl of soup. Embrace the moment, letting it resonate within the quiet spaces of your child heart.
I remember, as one of my earliest memories with my dad, him placing a red brick in my small hands. He was building a church, a project that remained unfinished when he left. I grew up as a pastor’s youngest daughter, spending my childhood in that church until I was ten years old. To “little me,” the church was a vast playground, with many doors, rooms, stairs, angled ceilings, and walls where light streamed in from every angle. Though he’s no longer with me, I find him within myself as my creative curiosity grows. I remember his voice on the phone, saying, “I’m always with you.”
collaboration with
Hanna Yoo, founder of Hannayoo Works @hannayoo_works,
Kiyomi Tanigawa, founder of MISOMARU @brooklyn_misomaru and Studio ORB, @studio_orb_ny
So Jung Lee, founder of KOKILI @kokili_projects
Videography by Henry Lu @henrylunyc
Special thanks to

The exhibition ‘Passage’ has come to a close. I sincerely appreciate everyone who visited and sent supportive messages. This story began with our families and the childhood memories of the three of us — Kiyomi @brooklyn_misomaru, So Jung @kokili_projects and myself @hannayoo_works
It’s been a long journey to reach this point, and I’d love to share the story behind this collaboration. It will continue on the website.

Our Exhibition ‘Passage’ will be on this weekend, 11/16-11/17.
We invite you to our space to share our imaginary memory passage with you.
We look forward to seeing you at ‘P a s s a g e.’
Hanna, So Jung, Kiyomi
Kiyomi Tanigawa @brooklyn_misomaru @studio_orb_ny
So Jung Lee @kokili_projects
Hanna Yoo @hannayoo_works
At the venue, Cafe Studio @cafestudionyc
195 Chrystie St Unit 102W, New York, NY 10002
Saturday, November 16th, 11am-7pm
Sunday, November 17th, 10am-5pm
*RSVP through

A Collaboration Project, “ P A S S A G E “
We are here, we pause and look at the path, memory, and the ones who are the reason we continue.
We hope each of you find your daydream when you were little and keep continue your journey with those you care for and love.
We are
Kiyomi Tanigawa @brooklyn_misomaru @studio_orb_ny
So Jung Lee @kokili_projects
Hanna Yoo @hannayoo_works
At the venue, Cafe Studio @cafestudionyc
195 Chrystie St Unit 102W, New York, NY 10002
Saturday, November 16th, 11am-7pm
Sunday, November 17th, 10am-5pm
*RSVP through

A Collaboration Project, “ P A S S A G E “
The three of us have prepared our life stories to share with those who have walked alongside us, following our footsteps. While preparing this exhibition, we journeyed from our childhood memories to the present moment, experiencing excitement and joy, but also moments of pain, endurance, and acceptance.
As you slip through the space, memories will shine through in different places, and sometimes you will be able to touch them, feel them, experience them, and remember your own.
We are
Kiyomi Tanigawa @brooklyn_misomaru
So Jung Lee @kokili_projects
Hanna Yoo @hannayoo_works
At the venue, Cafe Studio @cafestudionyc
195 Chrystie St Unit 102W, New York, NY 10002
Saturday, November 16th, 11am-7pm
Sunday, November 17th, 10am-5pm
*RSVP through

How have you been?
I found you in memories on a rainy day…

My memories connected to the rain all begin with my teenage self. Running around in the rain, soaked in our school uniforms, we were so happy. We were so pure in our teenage years.
Rain, night, you and me, and memories.